As Police and Crime Commissioner I have set out a clear plan to make Thames Valley safer.

Protecting Communities
Recruiting more police officers, supporting neighbourhood policing and focussing on driving down the crimes that matter most to the public.

  • Focus on crime prevention

  • Continue to expand neighbourhood policing

  • Saving lives through better road safety enforcement

  • Tackling anti-social behaviour in partnership with local councils

  • Building confidence in policing

Protecting People
In order to protect people from the most serious offences, we will seek to prevent crime in the first place; relentlessly pursuing criminals who pose a threat to others and supporting victims to guide them through the Criminal Justice System and rebuild their lives.

  • Improving the response to rape and sexual assaults

  • Continuing to tackle domestic abuse and support victims

  • Make our towns and cities safer at night time

  • Continue to drive down serious violence

  • Deal with exploitation and online abuse

Protecting Property
Although crimes, such as burglary, are at historically low levels and have fallen since before the pandemic, the impact is significant and public confidence is undermined if the police are not seen to tackle these issues.

  • Continuing to reduce residential burglary

  • Tackling retail crime such as shoplifting

  • Reducing vehicle crime

  • Dealing with rural crime

  • Improving prevention to reduce cyber crime and fraud